H. Gürbüz Sarı graduated from Galatasaray University Faculty of Law in 2000. Hecompleted his master’s degree in the European Union program at the same university in2003. Between 2004-2007, he worked as a doctoral student and researcher in the field ofpublic procurement at Paris Sorbonne University. After working as a specialist lawyer at theEuropean Court of Human Rights between 2001-2005, he worked as a legal consultant invarious corporate companies between 2005-2009. He established SARILEGAL Law Firm in2009 and since then he has specialized in many different fields such as corporate andcommercial law, intellectual property law and industrial property law. He carries out legalconsultancy especially for companies that develop technology and many companies thatdevelop software. He carries out studies in the field of copyright law on subjects such ascinema, digital games and visual works in the field of intellectual and artistic works. Hislatest book titled Protection and Commercialization of Intellectual Rights in ComputerSoftware was published by Seçkin Publishing in February 2023.